

Can You Use a High Pressure Washer On Vinyl Siding?

Vinyl siding is one of the easiest types of siding to maintain and clean. Attractive, long-lasting vinyl siding can be achieved by keeping it clean. One of the fastest ways to clean vinyl is to use a high pressure washer, which is an appropriate and acceptable way of cleaning vinyl. Learn more about pressure washing to ensure that you do it properly and take the right safety precautions. Have a question? Get an answer from a cleaning expert now!

Using a High Pressure Washer
Properly using the pressure washer on the vinyl siding will create better results and will ensure that the vinyl looks better and lasts longer. Always spray the pressurized water so that the water jet is hitting the siding at a 90 degree angle. This will prevent you from pushing the water behind the siding. Always stand at least 3 feet from the siding and never spray closer than 1 foot otherwise you might crack and weaken the siding. Work from the bottom of the siding to the top to make sure that the entire wall of siding dries at the same time. This will ensure that you don't get water streaks.

Purchase vs. Rent Vinyl Siding
The decision whether to purchase or rent a high pressure washer will depend on your needs and circumstance. Purchase a pressure washer if you have a large house with a lot of vinyl siding that you want to clean regularly, but keep in mind that you can also use pressure washers to clean concrete floors and walls. Rent a pressure washer if you are cleaning a small area of vinyl siding or if you find that you don't have a lot of use for one. Contact your local hardware or home improvement store to rent or buy a pressure washer.

Choosing a High Pressure Washer
Choosing the right High pressure washer will produce the best cleaning results for the vinyl siding. Pressure washers that have adjustable pressure are more versatile. They allow you to use lower pressure for cleaning normal dirt and buildup and more pressure for removing tough stains like sap or bird droppings. For vinyl, you will not need to use more than 3000 psi to remove even tough stains. Choose a pressure washer that will allow you to dissolve cleaning solution in the water tank without clogging. This versatility will allow you to add bleach to the solution to remove mold or mildew.

If used improperly, high pressure washers can cause serious injury. Prevent this by always wearing gloves and goggles when the machine is on. This will prevent accidental injury from water pressure directed at your face or hands. Additionally, keep children and pets away from the area while working. Never pressure wash vinyl siding that might have lead paint on it.

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