

How to Steam-Clean Your Home Furniture?

Furniture gets dirty, discolored and stained through normal everyday use, but don't worry, there's an easy solution to the problem. Use a Home Steam cleaner cleaning furniture is a great way to revive faded colors and give furniture a brighter, cleaner appearance. Have a question? Get an answer from Morck now!

Things You'll Need:
-Steam-cleaner with furniture cleaning attachment
-Steam-cleaner cleaning solution
-Stain pre-treatment solution

1.Test clean a small, inconspicuous place on the furniture to ensure its color fastness.

2.Pre-treat any set-in stains with a cleaning solution. Follow the directions on the stain remover container for best results.

3.Remove the furniture's cushions if possible. If the cushions are not removable, clean the cushions as a separate section, working the cleaning extension as deep as possible towards the seams in the fabric.

4.Lightly apply the steaming water and cleaning solution in a straight line, and then slowly move the cleaning extension over the damp fabric, ensuring that as much moisture is vacuumed up as possible.

5.Clean the piece of furniture from one side to the other in this manner, one section at a time. Allow the furniture to dry completely before repeating the cleaning process.

6.Clean the cushions the same way; work from one side towards the other, allow one side to dry as much as possible before turning cushion over to clean the opposite side.

Tips & Warnings

Do not over-wet your furniture; the vacuum will not be able to get all the water out of the material, and the padding below the fabric can become saturated. This can lead to musty smells, mold and deterioration.
More than one cleaning may be necessary to fully remove all dirt and stains.
Steam-cleaning will not remove all stains from the furniture. For extremely difficult stains, professional cleaning services may be needed.

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