

The Best Air Purifiers to Cover Smoke Smells

Smoke not only smells bad but is harmful to the lungs.
Smoke is a very unpleasant smell for many who inhale it. The smoke smell can get into clothes and other objects. Smoke can seem to seep through just about anything and often cannot be contained within rooms. Many air purifiers have been created that can suck the smoke odor out of the air. However, these purifiers can only handle so much smoke before they simply become ineffective. One of the most common sources of smoke is from cigarettes. Have a question? Get an answer from an appliance repair specialist now!

Ultraviolet Lights
Smoke air purifiers are often created to remove the smell of cigarette smoke. The purifier engages in ionization (removing charged particles), filters out carbon and also sanitizes the air using an ultraviolet (UV) light, according to Inspired Living.

Smoke Eliminator
The Airpura T-600 Smoke Eliminator Air Purifier is designed specifically for removing smoke from heavily smoky areas. This large purifier has a very deep and thick carbon filter. Felt gaskets seal the filter chamber to keep the smoke smell from seeping out, according to Inspired Living. The filter can handle up to 25 simultaneous smokers in one room.

The Multi-tech
The multi-tech S3500 has a very powerful fan that can remove smoke smells from large rooms. The smoke-filled air is sucked into highly efficient filters that can trap particles, including smoke particles, cleansing the air, according to Inspired Living. Negative ion pollutants are destroyed by the UV light contained in this purifier as are any airborne bacteria.

Air Oasis
The air oasis light commercial purifier is often used in areas where there is a heavy amount of smoke, such as a smoky bar. This purifier not only removes smoke smells but is also one of the best purifiers for removing and killing harmful bacteria, which makes the Air Oasis a useful addition to medical facilities, according to Inspired Living. The purifier also requires very little maintenance and is capable of removing smoke smells from clothing if the purifier is placed inside of the closet.

The most effective way to remove smoke from an area is to have smokers smoke in a certain designated area that has powerful vents that continually remove the air from the room while replacing the air with fresh air, according to Get Rid of Smoke Smell Air Purifier. Companies that do not have designated smoking areas can ask smokers to smoke outside. However, these outside smokers sometimes harm those entering the building. Some institutions do not allow smoking anywhere nearby.

