High Pressure washer makes easy work of cleaning the exterior siding of your home, barn or garage, cleaning cement walks or driveways, power washing your deck or simply cleaning your car in the fastest possible manner. Rent one at a local home or hardware center. Washing solutions add another expense, which you can eliminate if you know how to make your own. You'll most likely find the necessary ingredients in your kitchen.
Check the manufacturer's instruction booklet or your rental agreement to assure that you don't damage the pressure washer by using a homemade cleaning solution.
Each of the solutions below makes a specific amount. Tank sizes vary, so adjust the amounts accordingly.
For the best overall solution for cleaning vinyl siding, mix 1/3 cup of powdered laundry detergent, 2/3 cup of powdered household cleanser, 1 quart of liquid laundry bleach and 1 gallon of water. (If washing a wooden deck surface, don't exceed the suggested ratio, which can lighten the wood.) If you see mildew spots on the siding, treat those areas by hand with a solution of 9 parts warm water to 1 part liquid bleach before power washing. Alternately, use white vinegar to remove the mildew; its antifungal properties may keep it from returning. After power washing the siding with the detergent mixture, let it set for 10 minutes and then rinse completely to avoid leaving any residue.
A simple solution of 30 percent distilled white vinegar and 70 percent water makes a good general cleaning solution completely safe for the environment. Use this solution for cleaning cement, brick and even windows. Vinegar has natural antifungal properties and may keep your surfaces free from mildew growth.
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To wash your car, add 1/2 cup of sudsy ammonia and 1 tsp. of dish-washing liquid to a gallon of hot water. Rinse carefully and completely to leave a spot-free surface. If you have hard water, you may need to wipe down your car to avoid water spots.
Read more : http://www.morck-cleaning.com/