

What Is the Easiest Way to Clean Grout in Floor Tile?

Grout may attract mildew due to its porous texture.
Tile floors have an elegant, attractive appearance, but if the grout surrounding the tiles is crusted with dirt, grime or mildew, it can ruin the look of the whole floor. Cleaning grout does not need to be a messy, exhaustive process, though, as long as you equip yourself with the right tools.

Soak With Bleach
If you have not cleaned your grout in a long time, or if your grout becomes subject to an excessive amount of dirt, staining or mildew, you will want to attack the entire floor. Fill a bucket with water and add 2 to 3 cups of powdered oxygen bleach (the manufacturer may recommend a specific ratio, so read the label first). Pour it slowly over the floor until the grout lines become flooded, wait 15 minutes and pour a second coat if the grout absorbs most or all of the liquid. After two to three hours, rinse with warm water.

Spot Clean
Fill a spray bottle with lukewarm water and add a scoop of oxygen bleach powder. Spray any areas where you notice dirt or discoloration on the tile floor, wait 10 to 15 minutes and then scrub the grout with a toothbrush. Since oxygen bleach uses powerful oxygen ions to break down impurities, you can use the bleach solution to destroy even the most stubborn stains and fungi.

Chlorine Bleach or Peroxide
In some rare cases, you may require a stronger solution for difficult mildew and mold set deeply within the porous fibers of the grout. If this occurs, just fill a spray bottle halfway with warm water, and fill the other half with chlorine bleach or hydrogen peroxide. Put on a pair of latex gloves and a pair of protective goggles (since chlorine bleach is highly toxic), spray the mildew-affected areas and scrub with a toothbrush. Rinse with warm water and dry. Since extensive use of harsh chemicals can discolor grout, reserve this method only for emergencies.

Preventive Maintenance
To prevent grout from becoming stained in the future, apply a grout sealer. You can purchase easy-to-use, spray-on grout sealers at a home improvement store. Sealing your grout will make future cleaning much easier by preventing set-in stains and ensuring that you need only perform the basic routine cleaning tasks, rather than battling with tough stains and mildew.

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