Before you get started painting the outer surface of your home you need to do a little prep work. That is Pressure washing Car Washer before painting. One of the very first things you will want to do is clean the exterior of your residence of any movable debris and old flaking paint in order for the new paint to remain properly to the surface. Loose debris includes dirt, spider webs, wasp nests, old flaking paint, etc.
Anybody can ask a question about pressure washing Car Washer before painting as an expensive task and an extra unnecessary task before painting .But if anybody consider pressure washing as an unnecessary task they will must take a wrong decision about their property. Why is it Important to Power Wash my House?
Power washing your home does two very important tasks:
1. It removes any dirt or other particulate matter on your home. This is the most important reason because a clean surface will allow your new paint to adhere to your home better. This will create a better bond between the house and paint making the paint last longer and make it more resistant to rain and heat.
2. You also will become more familiar with the layout of your home and it gives you experience on a ladder. The more time you spend on a ladder the faster you will get on it and more comfortable you will be.
Go around the house and make sure all the windows and vents are closed leading to the outside just ahead of pressure washing before painting. Also make sure any electrical outlets and or cords are closed, shut off or removed from the area you plan on pressure washing Car Washer. DO NOT spray water directly on outlets, lights, power boxes, or any other area where there is a possibility of being electrocuted.
Pressure washers Car Washer can be rented at a local rental center, hardware stores and some paint stores. You should only need it for a few hours so plan on renting it for a half day. Make sure to read the instructions or have someone go over the operational aspect of the pressure washer Car Washer.
During the pressure washing Car Washer before painting you will want to start a good distance away from the siding 3-4 feet is a good starting distance. This will allow you to gauge how far you need to be to get the loose debris and loose paint off the house without removing too much of the old paint. The idea is to remove debris and old flaking paint off the siding without removing the paint that is still stuck to the surface. It can be real easy to get carried away and start removing a large amount of paint that is sticking just fine to the surface. Pressure washers Car Washer put out a large amount of pressure and can start taking pitting or taking off the wood siding. Therefore, it is important not to get the nozzle of the pressure washer Car Washer too close to the house. Start at the top, usually the gutters and or over hangs, and move down the siding towards the bottom. Make sure to allow the loose debris to wash off the surface and onto the ground. Don't forget to continually move the nozzle, if you don't you can possibly remove too much material in an area. When you are done with an area, recheck it for residual loose debris. Move this way around the whole house double checking as you go along. Let the house dry completely before moving on to the next step of the painting process. Don't forget to use a quality primer to seal any raw wood areas.
I hope Pressure washing Car Washer before painting will useful and helps you produce a beautiful and professional finish on your home. Remember, a fresh coat of paint on the exterior of your home adds a great deal to the curb appeal and value of your home.
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High Pressure Washer Car Washer MK-8331T-8331UT |